USA BTU Master Distributor

BMD Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd


专门应用于BME MLCC铜端电极烧结、铜厚膜浆料基板烧结工艺,分为排胶区和烧结区,运行温度200~950℃,最高温度1050℃, N2烧结气氛,采用耐高温、耐氧化的气密金属马弗,烧结区炉腔内氧含量可达到气源以上5ppm。设备控温精度高达±0.5℃,最高温保温段后70%区域网带横向温度均匀性±2℃,设备长期运行可靠性高,综合运营成本低,性价比高。


The BTU VMCA Series Furnace is a continuous conveyor furnace used for firing copper thick film and BME MLCC Cu Terminations. The furnace is designed to manage a controlled Nitrogen atmosphere throughout the muffle with the option of doping trace amounts of Oxygen in the burnout section. The burnout section constitutes the first four heated zones of the furnace and has a removable sparger along with individual zone exhaust assemblies. The unique sparger design provides the demanding atmosphere and exhaust handling features necessary to successfully process copper thick film materials.

All exhaust stacks are venturi powered vertical stacks with over size pipes that feature quick disconnect connections for easy removal when cleaning is required. Each binder burnout zone also has separate front and rear baffles along with the venturi exhausts to ensure that the burnout by products are removed quickly and do not travel within the muffle.Water-cooling section consists of copper tubes on the outside of the metal muffle. The water-cooling tubes are secured to the outside of the muffle with highly conductive aluminum heat sinks. Compared to other water jacket designs, the heat sink system has a higher heat transfer rate per unit under identical water flow rates and heat load.