该炉专门为陶瓷覆铜DBC(Direct Bond Copper)工艺研发设计,即可用于铜箔氧化,也可用于陶瓷基板覆铜,世界上前几位DBC制造商都有使用。

 该系列炉广泛应用于玻璃金属封接、钎焊、熔封、陶瓷覆铜DBC(Direct Bond Copper)、LTCC低温陶瓷共烧、高温回流焊和气氛保护热处理等工艺,运行温度200~1100℃,最高温度1150℃,可运行N2、H2或N2&H2混合气氛,采用耐高温、耐氧化的气密金属马弗,炉腔内氧含量可达到气源以上2~10ppm。控温精度高达±0.5℃,最高温保温段后70%区域网带横向温度均匀性±2℃,设备长期运行可靠性高,综合运营成本低,性价比高。

BTU designs and manufactures controlled atmosphere furnaces for a number applications including:

  1. Flux-free Hydrogen wafer bump reflow;
  2. Glass-to-metal sealing;
  3. Direct bond copper;
  4. Brazing;
  5. Sintering.

Heat-treatingThese controlled atmosphere furnaces are available with temperature ranges up to 1150°C and with various process atmospheres including hydrogen and nitrogen. Excellent atmosphere purity is achieved through the use of BTU’s patented gas barrier technology. In addition, BTU’s unique eductor technology can be used to enhance cooling or control process atmosphere. The end result is superior efficiency, superior performance, and superior thermal uniformity.

USA BTU Master Distributor

BMD Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
